Footsteps logo showing icons of various kinds of buildings and homes over the words Footsteps of La Crosse Tours Through Time

Footsteps of La Crosse provides access to over a dozen history tours featuring La Crosse neighborhoods, buildings, and residences. These tours explore how class, culture, and architecture intersect on our city streets, and are meant to encourage viewers to consider how our built environment has changed throughout history.

La Crosse has a wealth of architecturally and historically significant residential, commercial, and public buildings. These tours highlight over 150 of the best known and officially identified historic structures in the city. No doubt, there are many that are not included but are equally significant. We invite you to explore the rich variety of historic properties that make up the architectural heritage of La Crosse. Enjoy your tours and remember to look UP when exploring our beautifully historic city!


How to Use this Site

Use the menu above to select from a series of tours that highlight some of the most historic and architecturally significant buildings in La Crosse.

Use the Build Your Own Tour feature to select individual properties and design your own tour based on your specific interest (e.g. architect, contractor, time period, neighborhood or street, food history, etc.).

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