Additional National Register Properties

The National Register of Historic Places is the official list of cultural resources, i.e. buildings, structures, objects and sites worthy of preservation. The NRHP was authorized under the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 and part of an overall national program to support public and private efforts to identify, evaluate and protect historic resources. The register is administered by the Department of the Interior and provides tax credits to property owners who qualify their buildings under the criteria of the program. Contrary to popular opinion the National Register designation provides no protection whatsoever to the listed property; with some minor exceptions. In other words, property owners of listed properties are free to anything they wish to their property under the program, including demolition. The designation process is lengthy and closely reviewed, and therefore provides an important level of recognition of historic distinction to successfully nominated properties.

In Wisconsin the first stage of the National Register nomination process is to have the nominated property reviewed by the state Historic Preservation Review Board for listing on the State Register. If the property meets the criteria of architectural and historic significance, the nomination then goes to the National Parks Service for listing on the National Register. If a property is listed on the State Register acceptance to the National Register is all but assured. All National Register properties in La Crosse are on both the State and National Registers. Currently in the city of La Crosse there are 23 individual properties on the State and National Register and three historic districts. 

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