Build your own tour!

Every person attends a history tour for a different reason. Maybe someone is interested in local architects, but you are more passionate about one specific architecture style. Or perhaps you want to learn about La Crosse's industrial history, or diverse immigration history. Below is a feature that enables you to customize a self-guided tour that focuses on your unique interests. Use search terms based on what kinds of properties you would like to see (e.g. "Prairie Style," "Percy Dwight Bentley," "railroad," "Black Americans," etc.), and collate your own locations into a tour! Or, use the suggested Search Terms in the drop down. This search engine pulls from more than 100 locations found on the Footsteps of La Crosse website. 

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How To Build Your Own Tour

Step 1

Decide on a person, time period, or topic that you want to focus you tour around. You can choose as many search terms as you like, and make your tour as short or as long as you would like.

Example search terms:

  • Prairie Style
  • Percy Dwight Bentley
  • Railroad
  • Barbershop
  • School
  • Hackner Company
  • Goosetown

In the Search Form above, you can choose these terms on your own, or you may select terms based on the pre-selected tags that can be selected in the drop-down menu labeled "Search Term."

Once you have a search term selected, click the brown "Search" button once you have a search term selected.

Step 2

Scroll through the Search Results. You can select locations you would like to be featured on your tour using the green "+" (plus sign) button on the righthand side of the search results. You can reorder your tour as you go, or at the end using the arrow button to slide each tour location into the correct order. If you decide you want to remove a location from your tour, press the brown "-" (minus sign) button. You can enter new search terms as you go as many times as you like to fully optimize your tour.

Note: If you go to another page on this website, exit out of this browser tab/window, or even exit out of the browser entirely, your customized tour will be saved until you manually clear it, or until you clear the cache from your browser history. This is so that when you exit out of the website, or close the tab on your device to travel to the neighborhood you are exploring, you can open the website up and still have your tour ready to go.

Step 3

When you are happy with your customized tour, click the brown "Start Tour" button at the bottom of your selected tour locations. From there, you can use the brown "Show Map" button to view all the locations on Google Maps. You can also listen to the audio version of any stop that has uploaded audio (we are working on expanding this!). If you want to go back and edit the tour again, click the brown "Show Search" button to go back to the screen where you selected stops from the search results. It will not refresh the work you've already done to build your tour.



Would you like to make a suggestion for a tag so you can build a tour to your specific interests? No problem! Contact LPL Archives staff today with your request, and they can tag stops with a certain specification.